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First Progress Prize Results

20th July 2024 | aimoprize.com

AIMO Progress Prize: July 2024 Results

The AI Mathematical Olympiad Progress Prize 1 (first progress prize) has finished and congratulations to Team Numina on their win!

The competition, supported by XTX Markets, ended with 16,104 registrations and 1,401 participants on 1,161 teams. We had 1,831 submissions from 81 countries. For 392 users (including 32 in the top 100!), this was their first competition.

See the Kaggle leaderboard [here](https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/ai-mathematic

Simon Frieder appointed as AIMO Prize Manager

July 2024 | aimoprize.com

The AIMO Prize Manager and Advisory Committee

XTX Markets are pleased to announce the appointment of Simon Frieder to the role of AIMO Prize Manager.

Simon Frieder

Frieder is mathematician and computer scientist, investigating how mathematics can be automated using deep learning techniques. His doctoral thesis was written at the University of Oxford. He has two separate degrees in mathematics and computer science, and his research has been featured in popular science news outlets such a

Further Advisory Committee Members Appointed

25th Apr 2024 | aimoprize.com

AIMO Prize Appoints Further Advisory Committee Members

D. Sculley, Kevin Buzzard, Leo de Moura, Lester Mackey and Peter J. Liu appointed to the advisory committee for the Artificial Intelligence Mathematical Olympiad Prize.

Headshots of the newest Advisory Committee members

XTX Markets is delighted to announce the appointment of five further advisory committee members. This group brings great expertise in machine learning, including D. Sculley,

First $1.048mn AIMO progress prize competition opens

2nd Apr 2024 | aimoprize.com

First $1.048mn AIMO progress prize competition opens

XTX Markets is excited to announce the opening of the first $1.048 million progress prize for the Artificial Intelligence Mathematical Olympiad (AIMO), on the Kaggle platform.

This initiative is part of the $10 million AIMO Prize, launched in November 2023, aimed at fostering the development of AI models capable of mathematical reasoning. The ultimate goal is to create a publicly shared AI model that could achieve a gold medal standard at t

Resources for Progress Prize Entrants

29th Feb 2024 | aimoprize.com

Resources for Participants


United States Competitions (Lower to Higher Difficulty)

American Mathematics Competition 10 (AMC '10) past competition questions: Website

American Mathematics Competition 12 (AMC '12) past competition questions: Website

American Invitational Maths Exam (AIME): [Website](https://artofproble

Progress prize (pre-)announcement

23rd Feb 2024 | reddit.com
Content on Reddit.com

Advisory Committee Members Appointed

7th Feb 2024 | aimoprize.com

AIMO Prize Appoints Advisory Committee Members

Fields Medallists Timothy Gowers and Terence Tao appointed to the Advisory Committee for the Artificial Intelligence Mathematical Olympiad Prize, alongside Po-Shen Loh, Dan Roberts and Geoff Smith.

Update: the committee was extended in April 2024

Headshots of each Advisory Committee member

XTX Markets is delighted to be joined by a group of prominent ma

Frequently Asked Questions

19th Dec 2023 | aimoprize.com

Frequently Asked Questions

18th July 2024 (v1.7)

The AI-IMO Prize launched on 27 November 2023. The following FAQs have been collated from the initial questions submitted to aimo@xtxmarkets.com by 15 December 2023. Questions have been summarised and duplicates merged. Some we think we can answer now, others will take time. Most answers given here are likely to be provisional and subject to refinement as things develop.

1. Objectives

1.1. What are the lon

Progress Prizes Discussion

11th Dec 2023 | reddit.com
Content on Reddit.com

Mechanics of the Grand Prize

11th Dec 2023 | reddit.com
Content on Reddit.com